Ever since she heard that she would get to be the flower girl for her “uncle’s” wedding, my little girl has been practicing with her big sister. She practiced holding a flower with two hands. She practiced walking slowly. She practiced wearing her pretty dress.There was a major hurricane expected on the morning of the wedding, so she even practiced the ceremony both indoors and out.

The thing we didn’t practice…
Going all the way down the aisle without an adult.

My sweet baby made it about half way, and then realized that the adults weren’t following her (the kids were the first ones down the aisle). So, being the smart young lady that she is, she quickly figured something must be wrong and backtracked. Then, she heard her daddy’s voice urging her forward so she turned around again, this time headed in the right direction.

Ah well, at least she was cute both coming and going.
I guess I should just be grateful that big sister didn’t teach her to stick out her tongue at the photographer.
I fully believe that kids are involved in weddings purely for comic purposes.

Flower Girl

One thought on “Flower Girl

  • October 6, 2011 at 7:08 PM

    I love thinking back to Ali's sticking her tongue out at our photographer—and we were all so clueless!! She looks SO much younger in our wedding photos too! WOW

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