Sometimes the similarities between my husband and son are astounding.
Today my little guy decided that he wanted to have lunch in my closet (which sounds strange until you realize that this is a completely empty closet in an unfinished room ~ just the right size for a play-house) so he set himself to work; first sweeping, then vacuuming. He dusted baseboards, washed walls and made the place look better than the room that it is attached to. He is a detail man – just like his daddy!
He always has a project or two underway. For the past few weeks he has been working on a “fort” in the backyard; spending hours sawing tree limbs into just the right length to add to his tee-pee style creation leaning into a bush. These aren’t just any sticks. He has rejected many for being too weak, to short, not the right shape, etc. The ones he does accept are all meticulously arranged in a pattern that he has clearly thought out.
I wonder how much is biological and how much is learned. Does he just have an internal drive to stay active and do things thoroughly? Was he created with an eye for detail? Does God give some people the gift of being able to get stuff done? Or is it something that he has learned by watching his dad painstakingly renovate our home, step by step, since the day he was born?
Either way, I can’t take any credit.

Daddy’s little boy

One thought on “Daddy’s little boy

  • October 18, 2010 at 9:15 PM

    Yes, I agree I see a lot of your hubby in him. However, some of that creativity also comes from you. I love watching him. It is as if you can see his brain working up these "projects". He looks so happy in this picture.

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