Our town had it’s annual parade this past weekend.  We are lucky enough to live directly on the route, and have enjoyed this fun tradition since moving here.  Each year as the kids get older, they have become more excited about our little celebration.  

At first they all did what my infant did this time – they slept through it.  Yes, the same infant who startles awake when she hears me laugh a bit too loudly when chatting with a friend really did sleep through the police and fire sirens – infant sleep is an amazing thing
As they get older they start noticing what is happening more and they get so excited that they want to share it with us (forgetting that we can see it too).  This year my nephew, a great communicator of the obvious, turned to his mom and excitedly told her “I saw a police man!!!”  Not to be outdone, my son happily waved at the next police car in the parade and when asked by the officer if he was having fun he said “I’m watching a parade!!!”   
A smart duo!

This year my oldest nephew actually got to be IN the parade with his cub-scout pack.  He did great!

Happy pre-Memorial Day!


One thought on “Parade

  • May 19, 2009 at 2:36 PM

    Looks like fun! I wish me and my kiddos could have been there!!

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