We were so enchanted with our tiny baby that we couldn’t wait to share her with her siblings.  

The kids spent the day with their grandparents and took a trip to Build-a-Bear to create a special gift for their baby sister (a large pink monkey dressed as a princess).  I’m sure they really had no idea what to expect, but they acted as if they were very excited to meet their newest sibling.  Unfortunately, after we were moved into the maternity ward, the nurses checked the little one’s temperature and she kept loosing ground, so they decided that my husband should take her to the nursery to be warmed up.  As luck would have it, that was the exact moment that EVERYONE showed up to welcome our little girl, so their first introduction was through a large window of the nursery.  As sterile as this sounds, it was actually kinda’ nice.  The kids had the chance to see me and get their hugs and kisses without the “watch out for the baby” warnings that usually happen when mom is holding baby.  We then all went together to “peek at baby sister” and they stared, entranced, for several minutes.  My son was the cutest – his big blue eyes were glued to the baby and he was terribly concerned about her.  

15 minutes later Daddy came back with the newly warmed 3 & 1/2 hour old baby. They were so excited to hold and snuggle up to her.

We had so many visitors in the next few hours!  Both sets of grandparents,  Uncles and Aunts from both sides of the family, Neighbors and Church Friends.  Phew!

Meeting the Family

2 thoughts on “Meeting the Family

  • May 2, 2009 at 5:33 PM

    I am so happy to see you all, little Aubrey is absolutely adorable. I am so happy for you all. Love Kristin

  • May 3, 2009 at 9:16 PM

    Such an exciting day. Happy Birthday Aubrey!!

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