One of the greatest benefits of our homeschool is the freedom to teach anywhere and at any time. Unfortunately, that freedom can quickly create chaos as our play, work and schooling mix. As I mentioned last week, my planning space is not working for me, and I need to figure out why.

Are you in the same situation? Join me in answering these 5 key questions to help us find what isn’t working in our current workspace.

workspace cord


Which items do you need to access most often?

The constant search for pens, reference books, or chargers can sabotage great intentions when you sit down to lesson plan. Start on your path to a better workspace by jotting down what you are jumping up for each time you need to leave your workspace. (I kept my list in my bullet journal so I knew I wouldn’t loose it). Give yourself a week or two, and then take a look at the results. I’m sure you will see a pattern. This will help you to identify which items you need to have at hand in your workspace to get things done more efficiently.

For me, the root of my problem seems to be that I envision myself using far fewer items than I actually need.


Are you currently using the best space?

Scientists say that we are most productive when relaxed, so we need to create a relaxing space, but not a discracting one; a dedicated space, but not an isolated one. What does that look like? Here is what I discovered:

Personally, I have a beautiful desk upstairs: lovely hardwood, excellent storage, pretty lighting. It is never used. Why? That lovely desk is isolated, hidden away in a corner of a bedroom on the 2nd floor. As a mom, I simply don’t have the ability to separate myself from the activities of the family and that one factor made this desk entirely useless despite its beauty.

So, since the desk was a disaster, I moved myself to the living room couch. Unfortunately, this has been a failure too. The area is infested with distracting media, boisterous games, and all the happy activity that I want to see in my living room. It is where we all relax – I love being there, but I’m not productive in that space. I need to maintain a boundary but also be conveniently located. Time to search for my own nook. This is going to be my own separate little space, and I intend to cherish it.

workspace couch


Are the pieces you are currently using working well?

Part of the reason the couch was a flop was literally because of the flop factor. I would sprawl out lazily, and then either get frustrated with juggling papers, a laptop, and coffee, or fall fast asleep. So much for productivity. I don’t know why I wasn’t willing to admit this before, but the truth is that in order to fully focus I need an ergonomic chair and a flat surface to work on. Now, I’m not advocating giving up the cozy place to curl. I know myself, and I truly need to have a comfortable spot that allows me to put my feet up and relax while pre-reading material or researching, but that doesn’t mean that I do my best writing, grading, or organizing there.

Take a tour around your home looking for potential workspaces that you aren’t currently using. I have a old unused droop-leaf table that may end up being my flat surface solution.


Where is your clutter, what items are in that heap, and why does it land there?

I love it that as homeschoolers our school and life mix seamlessly. What I don’t love as much is that my school materials seem to constantly drift throughout the house. Having to search high and low for a folder can quickly distract me from the work I need to do.

Investigate creative storage solutions to tame the sprawl. (be forewarned, more baskets will not solve the problem if you simply have too much stuff) It is wonderful when we can hide the things we don’t want to see. There are lots of ideas on the Homeschool Mom’s workspace pinterest page

Remember that Pinterest is evil and the photos you see there are taken in ideal circumstances – our lives, on the other hand are a bit more messy. The two year old with a drippy popsicle WILL find your papers if you don’t keep your paper storage simple. Complex filing systems are too time consuming for most homeschoolers, and result in simply leaving things lying around. A hint that you’ve over-organized your system, but not your stuff: a pile of clutter quickly forms on the floor beside the filing cabinet.


Are you near a window?

All homeschoolers know about the February slump, but did you know that the opposite is true?Research has shown that exposure to sunlight isn’t just good for faster reading or easier writing, it increases productivity and mood in general. You NEED light to stay energized and ready to teach.

Light was sorely lacking in my previous workspace. My intention now is to move to a space near a west facing window with multiple light fixtures, and to get myself a desk lamp. As a bonus, those windows will give me someplace to gaze when I get lost in deep contemplation.

homeschool workspace 5 questionsCreating a space that works for you requires one key element – you! Start looking around, making some lists, and asking yourself some questions. Next week I’ll be sharing more about how to find organizing tools and design inspiration to create your own ideal workspace. Subscribe below so you don’t miss it!

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A Homeschool Mom’s Workspace – 5 key questions to ask
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One thought on “A Homeschool Mom’s Workspace – 5 key questions to ask

  • March 7, 2015 at 6:30 PM

    I’ve moved my work space 3 times in 2 years (18 months?) I started it IN the schoolroom, but then we found we didn’t like having a true, dedicated schoolroom so we dismantled it. I shuffled the desk to the kitchen where it lived happily for close to a year. Then we redid our bedroom and I really like the space and I had these big windows overlooking the backyard (and the bypass….) so I had my husband and oldest son move it upstairs to our room. I envision myself getting up early and moving to the desk with some tea or coffee and working for a couple of hours…we will see ;) My husband said if he moves that desk again it is going out the window to the patio so I guess I should be praying I love the space!!

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