It is so easy to become distracted from our highest priorities.  To let the immediate project take over when we really want to put our effort into a long term goal.

Homeschooling isn’t immune to this, unfortunately.  While I wish I was always motivated, prepared, and engaged, this is not always the case.  I get tired, I procrastinate on picking up craft items, and I can tend to slog through workbook pages rather than initiating engaging conversations with my kids.

Enter co-op.  
(quick aside – I can’t believe it, but this will be my 5th year teaching classes. Yikes.)

By teaching other people’s children, in addition to my own, I am able to provide myself with the kick-in-the-pants that I so sorely need at times.  I am on a deadline, therefore I am guaranteed to show up with all of the necessary supplies, my notes in order, and my happy face.

So why teach and not just participate? – That would save me the hassle of preparing, right?  Honestly … because I am a control freak.  I like to know that everything is being covered well, and to tailor the lessons to my own kids’ needs.  This is one of the greatest perks of homeschooling.

Sure, we participate in classes I don’t teach, but I really love teaching.  Beyond the fact that our friends are there (which every non-homeschooler assumes is the primary reason we attend co-op), group classes provide us with a necessary structure, and someone other than Mom to pat my kids on the back and approve of a job well done.

In addition, the added structure allows me to be the free flowing relaxed mom that I want to be.  All of the hard work that I put into being ready for co-op leaves me free to relax when the planning is done.  A request for lessons on the dock or an unscheduled trip to the museum can’t ruffle me – I’m PREPARED!


Accountability – Why Co-op Works For Me

4 thoughts on “Accountability – Why Co-op Works For Me

  • September 13, 2012 at 4:44 AM

    I just recently heard of co-ops the other day while researching schooling options for my son! I know of one co-op here in Las Vegas, but my husband and I are contemplating letting our son go to Kindergarten in the public school system while I figure out how homeschooling works. Kudos to you for being an active participant in your kids’ education! It’s so important, isn’t it?

    • October 3, 2012 at 9:44 PM

      Exactly. The research process before figuring out what to do for my oldest’s K year was exhausting. I felt as if her entire future rested precariously on my decision – it didn’t, but I am happy with our decision. Homeschooling has been a perfect fit for our family. I hope you find your own perfect fit.

  • October 1, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    This is wonderful!

    • October 28, 2012 at 9:40 PM

      I couldn’t agree with you more. Here in California, there are a few different options, and each one of them are always being tweaked in some way or another.

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