I have been learning a lot about God’s gifts recently.
I have this weird tendency to try to put all of God’s gifts in tidy categories that sound lofty, intimidating and unreachable, but I am learning that God is much more practical than I imagined.
Take for instance the gift of shopping. Yes it could be lumped in with one of those lofty gifts, but in my world shopping is just, shopping, something we do regularly because we need stuff. But now I am learning that shopping can be a gift. I know it sounds strange, so bear with me a second and I will try to make sense of my thoughts.
A lovely lady (who shall remain nameless so that I don’t embarrass her) asked how she could help me and I answered that it would be great if she could drop off bread, milk, and fruit. WELL, I expected to receive just that, a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a bag of apples ~ not on this dear woman’s watch. We were bowled over with bags of amazing snacks to thrill children’s hearts, laundry soap, baby bottles, the specific items that I requested, and much more that we needed, but I didn’t even think to ask for. It felt so good, not just to receive the things we were desperate for, but to know that she cares and went to such lengths to help out, even though I’m sure it put a crimp in her own daily routine.
Personally, I am not blessed with the gift of shopping. Had a friend asked me for bread, milk, and fruit, they would have received just that. It would not have occurred to me to bless someone by shopping, but now that I have been personally touched in that way, I can see and feel God at work.
God is at work and we don’t all serve in the same way. Isn’t it interesting how the obvious can become so extraordinary when it touches you personally.

God’s Practical Gifts
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